Family Resources
Information about the early signs of ASD with an extensive video library and interactive format
Comprehensive information about autism spectrum disorders from Autism Speaks
Official website of the Autism Society of America
Resources about early diagnosis and intervention for Autism
Comprehensive information from the CDC for parents and professionals
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Resource Center on Autism.
Specially designed for autism in military families
Parent education website from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Triple P Parenting Program – Evidence based parenting resource with specific materials parents can use to manage problem behaviors and encourage optimal development in young children.
Online parent training with Alan Kazdin
The Incredible Years – A comprehensive parent training series for behavior management an optimal emotional functioning of young children.
Media Plan – develop a plan based on the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for screen time and appropriate use of technology for children of all ages. For more information check out the Center on Media and Child Health
Effective Parenting – Handouts and information on evidence-based parenting practice for parents and professionals.
ACES– research shows a parent’s history of stress and trauma from their own adverse childhood experiences (ACES) dramatically effects their parenting and their own physical and mental health. Calculate your own ACES score and learn what you can do to help yourself and your family.
Published Research
Parent 2 Parent – ADHD Introductory Course for – National Advocacy group of adults and children with ADHD there are many local chapters throughout the United States.Attitude – Comprehensive listing of books and materials for purchase related to ADHD. – One of the world’s greatest authorities about ADHD. This video is a three hour extensive overview of ADHD , here is the shorter version executive functioning skills and ways to improve them to help ADHD. – Information about the early signs of ASD with an extensive video library and interactive format. Full of resources for parents and professionals.– Comprehensive information about autism spectrum disorders. For immediate help about a new diagnosis or ASD issue call – Official website of the Autism Society of – Focus on early diagnosis and intervention for Autism.– Comprehensive information for parents and professionals. – American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Resource Center on Autism. – Specially designed for autism in military families. – Parent education website from the American Academy of Pediatrics – National Institute of Mental HealthLocal – Main website for The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) serving Dade and Broward counties. – Website for the CARD Center serving Palm Beach County comprehensive listing of transitions services available in FloridaJob Tips – For teens and young adults with ASD entering the work forceSarah Ramos’ personal story of inspirationCHILD DEVELOPMENT – Excellent resources on all topics related to child development, including a listing of miletsones from birth to age 5 – Excellent resource for information on behavior and development for young children birth to three – Comprehensive resource from the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health on topics related to all aspects of child development.Pathways – developmental milestone checklists and activities to promote development by – This is a website created by the American Academy of Pediatrics with specific resources for parents and families.Special NeedsFamily Voices – Advocacy, News, and Resources for families about special needs. Planning – Got Transition ? is a national resource for health care professionals, families, youth, and state policy makers focusing on a young adult’s transition from pediatric to adult health care.DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS
Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics section of the AAP – Information for parents from two of the leading professional associations for Developmental and Behavioral – National Board Certification Organization for all Pediatric – Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.SPEECH AND LANGUAGE – Website of the American Speech Language Hearing Association with information for parents and -Practical information for parents with at home activities to promote language.LEARNING AND SOCIAL SKILLS – Website of the National Center for Learning Disabilities with information for parents and and – Excellent resources with information for teachers, families, and students about all types of learning – A website for teenagers and young adults with disabilities who plan to attend college.For worksheets, books and resources to teach about social skillsLOCAL RESOURCES
Broward & Miami Dade County 2-1-1 First Call For Help, Inc. (2-1-1 Broward) provides 24-hour comprehensive Helpline and support services for individuals in our community seeking crisis intervention assistance and/or information and referrals to health and human services in Broward – 211 special needs focused services birth-22 years of -The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Broward – Mental health services for issues of sexual identity and related concerns.Smith Mental Health Center – This sliding scale based facility has special needs after care among other services. – This is the website of Florida International University’s Center for Children and Families. The website is loaded with excellent resources for parents and professionals, and they are world famous for their Summer Treatment Program for children and teens with ADHD.Palm Beach This is a service of 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast which provides information, assessment, referral, crisis intervention, supportive counseling, and suicide intervention, via the telephone as well as a comprehensive website listing local resources. – At risk youth in Palm Beach – This is organizations serves special needs children and families in palm beach – The Center for Family Services of Palm Beach County offering a listing of direct services to families in Palm Beach – The community partnership group that provides resources for housing, child development, and other supports for families. of Florida – Comprehensive site listing all news items and articles relevant to children and adults in Florida with developmental – The Florida Department of Health website with comprehensive information on all issues pertaining to child health check the A-Z listing on this – Agency for Persons with Developmental Disabilities in – Family Network on Disabilities a statewide network of families and individuals of all ages who may be at-risk, have disabilities, or have special needs and their families, professionals, and concerned citizens.Medicaid Waiver Information – Information about receiving state funded services for a child with special – Overview of Autism services in the state of Florida. – Enter your zip code to fine an array of public services for basic needs – food, housing and other social services.Public Services for PreschoolersCHILD FIND 3 yrs – 5 yrs – put in applicable county on website for phone number. Broward 754-321-2204 Palm Beach 561-434-8925EARLY INTERVENTION birth – 3 yrs Broward County – Childrens Diagnostic and Treatment Center – 954-728-8080 Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie Counties – Easter SealsMiami Dade County – North Dade – Univ of Miami Mailman Center 305-243-5600, South Dade – MCH 786-268-2611Healthy Start Florida – free in home visitation for pregnant women and parents of children under three to help with care coordination, stress management, and parenting educationMEDICATION – Clear well researched information about medications and a variety of mental health – Practical information about medications for – Food and Drug Administration resource of the Federal Government includes most up to date listing of new – Online medication encyclopedia.MENTAL HEALTH – ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, OCD, SUICIDE, AND MORE
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERSDomestic Violence 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
211 from any county in Florida for help with resources
For general assistance by zip code – housing, finances, reduced cost medical care and other resources
Mindful Kids Miami – A non-profit organization dedicated to bringing mindfulness meditation to all children grades k-12 in Miami Dade County. “Our vision is to improve the lives of all children in the community by giving them access to mindfulness skills which reduce stress and anxiety, develop attention and focus, promote emotional regulation and impulse control, teach empathy and compassion, and create a sense of well-being.”
Mindful Living Programs – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – founder Jon Kabat Zinn
Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the Waisman Center
UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center
Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University
Emotional Intelligence from the source – Daniel Goleman
NUTRITION AND FITNESS – This is an independent consumer watch group that looks at many over the counter supplements and vitamins to evaluate claims and product safety.The Brain Food– Recipes and information about how to make fruits and vegetables a larger part of your family’s diet.Facts on Childhood Obesity
Health Finder – a federal government website with tips for promoting a healthy lifestyle for the – This website created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest is a non-profit advocacy and research group with excellent information on nutrition, health, and consumer protection related to food – Specific exercise and fitness tips for young children and teens.Nutrition for Kids an interactive PBS websiteFor Teen GirlsFor Teen BoysOPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER – ODD
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Resource Center for ODDMAYO CLINIC on ODDPARENTING
Triple P Parenting Program – Evidence based parenting resource with specific materials parents can use to manage problem behaviors and encourage optimal development in young children.
Online parent training with Alan Kazdin
The Incredible Years – A comprehensive parent training series for behavior management an optimal emotional functioning of young children.
Lives in the Balance -Based on the work of Ross Greene author of The Explosive Child, this resource provides strategies for older children and teens with oppositional, inflexible, and the most challenging behaviors based on the model of collaborative problem solving.
Media Plan – develop a plan based on the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for screen time and appropriate use of technology for children of all ages. For more information check out the Center on Media and Child Health
Effective Parenting – Handouts and information on evidence based parenting practice for parents and professionals.ACES– research shows a parent’s history of stress and trauma from their own adverse childhood experiences (ACES) dramatically effects their parenting and their own physical and mental health. Calculate your own ACES score and learn what you can do to help yourself and your family.POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY
Overview of Positive Psychology – University of Pennsylvania.
Martin Seligman – Author of The Optimistic Child and Learned Optimism.Positive Psychology NewsRandom Acts of Kindness -This is an organization devoted to inspiring people to practice kindness and pass it on.SYNDROMES
Below is a listing of some of the syndromes we have treated in our practice and websites families have found helpful. The National Organization of Rare Disorders is a general resource for families searching for support and information about a rare disease or syndrome is also an extensive resource for rare chromosomal anomalies. If you would like us to post information about a syndrome that has impacted you or your family please feel free to contact us.Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited form of mental impairment and autism. It affects one in 4,000 boys and one in 6,000 girls. Read more about Fragile X Syndrome here. Prader Willi Syndrome is a genetic disorder causing obesity, developmental delay, and other problems. For more information go to Prader Willi Syndrome USA . Also view the ABOUT tab on this website and look under Staff to learn more about one parent’s personal experience with PWS.Tuberous Sclerosis is a genetic disorder where children may have a variety of medical problems related to the growth of small tumors throughout the body. It is a common cause of infantile seizures and Autism. For more information www.tsaalliance.orgAicardi Syndrome is a relatively rare genetic disorder resulting in seizures and developmental delay. For more information www.aicardisyndrome.orgNeurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder ranging from mild to severe where small tumors grow on nerves throughout the body. For more information go to www.nfinc.orgAngelman’s Syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by developmental delay, lack of speech, seizures, and problems with balance. It is often misdiagnosed as Cerebral Palsy or Autism. For more information go to www.angelman.orgTRAUMA
After 5 pm call 211 Broward or text FL to 741741 to connect with a counselor.
Local organizations offering education, supports and help finding affordable therapy
PU4P – Professionals United for Parkland
Nova University Psychological and Trauma Resolution Services
Learn About Trauma and Toxic Stress
Organizations actively involved in gun safety:
How it works
Family Resources

Educational Materials
Explore a curated selection of articles, guides, and educational materials related to autism, early intervention, and child development.
Parenting Tips
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Support Groups
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Therapy Options
Learn about various therapy options and interventions available to support children on the autism spectrum, including behavioral therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
Recommended Reading
Discover a list of recommended books and publications that provide valuable insights into autism, caregiving, and child development.
Advocacy Resources
Find information and resources related to autism advocacy, including organizations and initiatives that work to raise awareness and promote inclusion.
Financial Assistance
Explore resources that may assist with financial planning, insurance coverage, and funding options for autism-related services and therapies.
Online Tools
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Videos and Webinars
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Glossary of Terms
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Research and Studies
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Local Resources
Find information about local autism-related resources, including clinics, support services, and community organizations.
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